I remember renewing my license, I was in my late 30’s.  I paused and wondered for a second, where might I be when I’m 60?

Today I pause again, but now I’m looking back at that moment.  I feel no reason to hide, or feel ashamed.  Age doesn’t matter to me.  It never really did.  I do what I want, run my own businesses and I learned to enjoy with the utmost love and passion.

Life brings us a renewed sense of wonder and imagination every day. These aspects never leave us, they just need to be reminded they are a part of us.  Along the way we find confidence, self-worth and value.  When we realize clarity, wisdom and knowledge become our being. 

Recognizing aspects of ourselves, wonder, curiosity and imagination, enables us to experience whatever it is we want.  Doors we choose open and we decide which ones to walk through.  Lessons are learned, some are remembered and some are reminders. This is experience.

Age only matters when you make it matter.

I’m turning 60 and it’s not something I think or talk about.  The most important thing that matters is the authentic self.  Creativity, imagination, wonder and curiosity are those aspects that make our lives evolve.  This is age.  This is what age and grace mean to me.

Interview published this week LinkedIn, Instagram @Michele.Marano and www.MicheleMarano.com

An interview with Michele Marano by newsTrep


Would you consider yourself age defying?

I really don’t pay much attention to my age.  I just do things I love.

If we go back to when we were children, we didn’t know what wonder and curiosity meant, but as children we defined those aspects.  As time goes on, we tend to lose a sense of wonder and curiosity but we can get it back anytime we want.

Every day is a creative one in my business and personal life, which happens to overlap.  Through wonder and curiosity, I do what I love. I’m always looking for new ideas, changing routines and using creativity as expansion to my businesses.  Through wonder and curiosity, projects and clients’ interests are driven.  I allow imagination to carry my ideas away, off the chart.  That’s how we come up new approaches, a fresh perspective.


How do you maintain the energy to do so many things?

I get asked this a lot, even from people who see me only from afar.  I don’t think about time.  I’m always busy, even when time is schedule to relax.  Well, let’s just say that’s the best time to meditate or write, so in a sense I’m working.

Having the energy to do things is intention and awareness.  Being inspired fuels me to achieve something new.  From there it’s easy, I just do what I love.


How did you decide to write a documentary?

In my thirties, I started writing a book but it was pushed aside to later years.  It never was completed.  Then the book evolved when the project started up again.  And then it evolved into something much bigger.  As time went on, the documentary, which I am writing as a novice, started changing itself naturally and I like that.  I let flow just happen and that’s how it’s meant to be.  The meaning of writing is much deeper than the documentary itself.  The more it becomes what it is meant to be, the more authentic the story.  It’s almost a spiritual evolution for me.


In terms of spirituality, how does that fit in with writing?

I always wanted to write but I was too judgmental of myself.  Then I started writing and the more time I allowed myself to write, the better I became.  When I stopped judging and just allowed, potential opened.  If you want something, it’s in your consciousness to make it happen.  Things happen where we focus our attention.  We just need to focus on those things instead of chaos going on around us.  Since my studies at the Chopra center, I write everyday.  Sometimes I write all day until I can’t write anymore.  At that point, if something pops into my mind, I’ll take notes and go back to writing later.


Going back to a question about the documentary you are writing, is there an intention behind it?

I think with every story we tell, there is intention. Some stories are told and some are never heard.  My intention is bigger than the story, telling truth which was never forgotten, something that moved me so deeply from within that I’m inspired to write about it.

It’s a story within a story, about a legacy property we owned.  There’s a lot of emotion to which others will connect.  They will find similarities within themselves.  That’s my intent.  Helping others find a movement within themselves.  Imagination moves people.  I want to share this experience with my audience.


What do you plan to do with the documentary.

I let my writing take me wherever it goes.  It is flow.  I practice awareness, being in the present moment.  Writing is a form of expression, you can only be in the moment when writing.  I also just enjoy it.  It’s like painting with words.  You keep adding and subtracting until you reach what feels complete.  Whether I finish it or not, writing allows me to go within. You feel like you’ve done something you’ve always wanted to do.  Your work stays with you forever, it becomes part of you.  If the documentary finds its own path, then it’s meant to go wherever that may be.  My goal is to write and allow the viewers to feel what I feel writing it.  Now that’s something to be real happy about.





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