Michele’s business is somewhat peculiar because it is not just one. Her business falls into 3 categories, Real Estate (Central Metro Realty), Design of Interiors and Exteriors (Michele Marano & Associates), but the most important segment, Meditation (MeditationIN), is the umbrella over everything she does.

“We emphasis not just what the services are about, the client relationship, the processes, but also the inspiration drawn from each situation, the means of reaching our goals together. This explains why several times a year, I offer tours to Round Top, Texas, an inspirational trip. My goal is to enlighten clients, take time to delve into the meaning of creativity, design and artistry, accentuating our senses along the way, being inspired by nature.” says Michele

With much feeling, a little thought and some anticipation, the decision was to go very light on the original, decades-old wood planked floors. I faced the risk of not matching vinyl I installed in some areas of the home and I wanted the look to be close but the feeling I wanted was continuity. The decision comes effortlessly and let’s say the rest is just feeling. 

Design through Inspiration is what I talk a lot about but what does that mean?  I’m an Atypical Designer. I had already earned one bachelors degree at the age of 21 and I decide to go back and take interior design classes 15 years later. After a couple of semesters, I realized I was paying for something I already had. I didn’t need another degree to support my designs, I just needed to design. 

It’s been decades of self-teaching, trial and error and mainly fortitude that has earned me experience in renovations and redesigning homes.  It wasn’t until 2020, however, that I took a step back and actually watched myself, how I do what I do. In the process of creating, I realized how much is derived from feelings. My studies at the Chopra Center was like the last piece of the puzzle.  The puzzle picture tells a story but not until it’s complete do you see it in full. I have the ability to see a finished room before it exists. Each house I ever purchased was decided through feeling and intuition. A feeling that I have when entering a home is the decision that determines whether I will purchase or not. Sometimes the feeling is so right, I can envision the home completed, as if I’ve already designed it. Of course this is when I know it’s my next purchase. 

Most of my original work has been my own homes, with some work in between helping others. Whether it’s my property or someone else’s, I find the most fulfillment creating beauty from nothing.  At first it was scary but as time went on I found my way through it.  It has taken years to define what I like and which styles best suite a signature. I continue to evolve, allowing myself to change, creating unique feelings to each home I work on.

I grew up along the countryside of upstate New York. My parents owned a lot of land, mainly muck farming land and as a child I took this all in, emotionally and spiritually. Nature played a significant part of my childhood and it is through those memories that I’m able to connect with my true self. Going internally and meditating became the focal part of everything I do, whether it’s filming something I’m creating, drawing an idea on paper or deciding how I want a finished look to feel. When I studied at the Chopra Center, my creativity really exploded and it was proof to myself that everything we need is already within us. Creating is bringing something new into existence, but that creativity comes from within. I call it flow and I named what I do, Design through Inspiration, or consciousness because that is what it is. There is nothing to hide about my work, it’s just an effortless way of expressing myself.

Real estate and design clients will tell you how I make decisions when they’re working along side me. I am asked how did you make that decision and I don’t have an explanation other than, the feeling. I offer a self-inspirational workshop by providing guided shopping tours to Round Top, Texas during the shows. If you look at the beauty of things at a much deeper level, other than surface, you will perceive differently. For example, I frame my artwork in old, imperfect gold, ornate frames. Some are really tattered but they are so beautiful just the way they are, in their worn condition. Some people don’t get it and that’s ok. Everyone wants to be inspired and I show how to perceive from our senses and consciousness. Through visions, memories and nature, the heart speaks and creativity flows. Creativity comes from within, the true self.

Most but not all of my projects are my own homes. I plan to do one in Destin, Florida another in Brenham, and one in West Palm Beach, my final home. Texas has always been true to my journey, but I move with flow. I don’t force the situation. I let it happen, spiritually you can say. When the moment presents itself, I do what I love to do. I feel the magic, mystical, wonder-essence. Creativity is an extension and an expression of who we are. When you let the magic happen, creations just fall into place. This is flow.  This is Design through Inspiration. This is Consciousness.



Michele Marano As seen in Houstonia Magazine

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