My Inspirational Round Top tours started after completing studies at the Chopra Centre almost 5 years ago. The meditation program, one that spanned over a nine month period, spurred a whole new experience of creativity. What I once thought of being creative became an understanding of the self, on a much deeper, spiritual level.

We begin with clarity.  What are my Inspirational Round Top trips about?  Well, it’s not a bus trip, nor a sightseeing expedition and with intent, I far exceed the definition of any tour.  The inspirational trips are about the individual.  They cannot be duplicated or copied in any way because they are unique to the individual and the meaning behind them only comes from what I personally teach through the tour.  It’s like a mini seminar, a walking meditation, empowering the individual from the inside out.

When I suggested to a women’s group, where I was set to speak, that my Round Top inspirational trips are about transcending creativity, empowering the individual, a woman spoke up and said her group already had a bus tour scheduled to Round Top. I started to chuckle. She is missing the point but that’s ok because not everyone will find empowerment in the ways I teach.

Round Top is a special place I’ve visit several times a year, for almost 2 decades.  After this many trips, I’ve incorporated into my business what I learned through studying at the Chopra Centre and I’m sharing the experience I have on my journey.

Design through Inspiration is my business brand, teaching clients how to create through being inspired.

In definition, “internal or inside” and spiration, “the act of breathing as a creative” are two powerful meanings.  Inspiration is an empowering tool which drives creativity, allowing the individual to express themselves.

There’s something tranquil about Round Top, Texas, something I find soothing.  When I turn off Highway 290 to Route 237, a stillness from within moves me and I feel completely aligned with my true self.  You can use whatever words to describe the feeling, free, peaceful, calming but the actual presence of being in that moment is exceptional.

There’s a deeper meaning behind the trip than getting toured around a place to shop. There are people trying to copy what I do in some format, but it’s not likely to happen. The shopping benefit is just a byproduct of the trip and anyone can charge you to take you from store to store. My inspirational trips cannot be duplicated because they are derived by the individual. No two experiences are the same.  Whatever the client achieves will serve them solely.  My trips focus on the inner being, transcending the feelings we all want to feel, love, joy, and fulfillment. Those feelings come to you when you are inspired.  You are able to feel this movement inside yourself.

There are a lot of exhilarating and exuberant things included in the trip, the perks of being in Round Top during its highest point of a season.  The shopping experience is something unlike anything I’ve ever had, the artistry, design, craftsmanship, ideas and antiquity is on its fullest display.  It’s taking the best of all worlds and combining them together. You have a lot of happiness and smiles, people feel tender and authentic.

The individual’s perception can change when it becomes the focal point of the excursion. Our senses are at their peak of activity which brings awareness to the present. You are literally surrounded by nature, scents of pastries and visuals of interior design. The ideas are infinite and that opens one up to endless imagination and wonder. Those are the things that inspire us and then a movement happens from within.

Inspiration occurs when we attached to something that moves us so deeply, a scent or a memory is triggered, that we are shaken from the inside out.  I describe this in my company’s filming on Instagram, “Design through Inspiration”. This is why inspiration is the core of my businesses, a pedestal encompassed by guided meditations is what I offer.  In essence, this trip is a form of meditation, a mini-seminar

You are getting in touch with your true self.  If you love beauty, happiness and harmony, you too will feel inspired.  Everyone loves the experience.

Copyright Michele Marano


Michele’s Round Top Inspiration trips take place during Spring Fall and Winter Shows.   Book in advance or schedule a season prior. Dates are limited. Contact for details @Michele.Marano, Instagram. Fees apply.

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